It is not our intent to offend, please be advised that some materials will not appeal to all audiences.
cuzin Jolee Wallis,
sister of
BillyRay Wallis
Mission statement:
The hope iz that followin Joe's life thru theez diffykult dayz of growth and change will bring inspirashun to his cuzin, Jolee, who can't seem to git out o' her own way theez dayz, but she has been lookin' fer work.
About us:
We have taken Joe's advice on the strength of his mother's stellar recommendation and hope to continue to bring you stirring updates of Joe's progress through the past year as we translate his 'memwarz' scrawl into the MemwarzBlog sections of our site.We created "Joe THE Schmoe©2005" to make our way through our Web Design studies with a touch of humor, and so far, we are having a hoot! This is our very first website. It will grow with us and Joe. Things may be slow in the beginning. We are studying Web Design in college finding ourselves obsessed and heading for 'junkie.' Yeah, it's been done before, the redneck humor. Still we hope to add our own voice, character development and flavor to the mix. We are: 'Bow-n-Down Design'
Therefore, as Joe says about his 'Memwarz Blog',
"This iz a work in pragress!"
By the way, when I say we, I mean me and my pig: (We really do have a pig). He's a Texan, named "BabaLooey!" ...he grunts, grinds his teeth, and keeps me company while I work. He is my inspiration for adding 'BlogaLooey' to the page.
Everyone NEEDS a pigboy.
BabaLooey is MY muse.
We live across the road.We are NOT qualified, but we will try, 'k?.
Joe needs a place to shine
...we need somethin' to do
...Jolee needs a load o' buckshot up er keester.
It's a shot-gun weddin' made in heaven!
What you doin' anyways?
I have never been jealous.
Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.
Jeff Foxworthy
(born September 6, 1958 in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American comedian, and actor who is best known for his work as a stand-up comedian.In 1995, he starred in The Jeff Foxworthy Show, a sitcom created out of his stand-up comedy persona.
Since the year 1997, when his show went off the air, Foxworthy has continued to act and recently, in 2004 has launched a new television show Blue Collar. Foxworthy is seventh cousin to actor and independent filmmaker Eric Bruno Borgman.
"You might be a redneck if you've ever cut your grass and found a car."